Shame on you EU Commission!
27/06/16 20:19 Archived in: General Information
According to the Danish tabloid BT the EU Commission has as a consequence of the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union decided to drop English as a working language of the commission (link to the article in Danish).
In the future the working languages for the EU Commission will be German and French only.
Whether this decision was made in a hotheaded immature anti-democratic tantrum in Bruxelles or Strasbourg is not known. However, it is for sure going to alienate the majority of people in other EU member states that does not speak, read or understand one of these designated "master languages". Whether the "intelligentsia" in Bruxelles, Germany or France likes to acknowledge it or not, neither of those two languages are the favourite of most Europeans when it comes to cross-border communications.
Before the EU descend further into the dark ages of arrogant non-transparency, I would like to urge you to download the IATE database before it is also decided to drop the English language from searches.
If the EU want to survive and ensure efficient communication we need to see a reversal of this decision on the double and a different attitude from the people in high office.
In the future the working languages for the EU Commission will be German and French only.
Whether this decision was made in a hotheaded immature anti-democratic tantrum in Bruxelles or Strasbourg is not known. However, it is for sure going to alienate the majority of people in other EU member states that does not speak, read or understand one of these designated "master languages". Whether the "intelligentsia" in Bruxelles, Germany or France likes to acknowledge it or not, neither of those two languages are the favourite of most Europeans when it comes to cross-border communications.
Before the EU descend further into the dark ages of arrogant non-transparency, I would like to urge you to download the IATE database before it is also decided to drop the English language from searches.
If the EU want to survive and ensure efficient communication we need to see a reversal of this decision on the double and a different attitude from the people in high office.