Publication of call for tenders DGT-FL-GEN07
23/09/07 16:52 Archived in: Press Releases
The European Community, represented by the Commission of the European Communities, has published 23 calls for tenders (one call for tenders for each of the official languages of the EU) in the following Official Journal of the European Union:
OJ S 180 of 19 September 2007 for the translation of documents relating to the policies and administration of the European Union.
The deadline for submitting tenders is the 5th of November 2007.
Please consult the following link for full details of the services required and further information on terms and conditions. All the tender documentation can be downloaded from this site.
I would be very grateful if you could spread this information amongst the interested members of your organisation.
Yours sincerely,
Klaus Ahrend
Head of Unit
European Commission
Directorate-General for Translation
External Translation
OJ S 180 of 19 September 2007 for the translation of documents relating to the policies and administration of the European Union.
The deadline for submitting tenders is the 5th of November 2007.
Please consult the following link for full details of the services required and further information on terms and conditions. All the tender documentation can be downloaded from this site.
I would be very grateful if you could spread this information amongst the interested members of your organisation.
Yours sincerely,
Klaus Ahrend
Head of Unit
European Commission
Directorate-General for Translation
External Translation
Second Announcement and Call for Presentations
23/09/07 16:47 Archived in: Exhibitions
Second Announcement and Call for Presentations
XVIII World Congress of the International Federation of Translators
Translation and Cultural Diversity
August 4-7, 2008
Shanghai International Convention Center
For more information about the Congress, please visit the Congress website at (in English, French and Chinese), or send an e-mail to
Shanghai awaits you in August 2008!
Deadline for submissions 30 september 2007
FIT Literary Translation Committee will feature at the Congress
XVIII World Congress of the International Federation of Translators
Translation and Cultural Diversity
August 4-7, 2008
Shanghai International Convention Center
For more information about the Congress, please visit the Congress website at (in English, French and Chinese), or send an e-mail to
Shanghai awaits you in August 2008!
Deadline for submissions 30 september 2007
FIT Literary Translation Committee will feature at the Congress
FIT Literary Translation Committee
23/09/07 16:35 Archived in: Exhibitions
FIT Literary Translation Committee is delighted to announce its events at the Frankfurt Book Fair
to be held in the Lesezelt, Agora
The Committee will also have a table in Hall 5 E955 10-14th October and would be delighted to meet you, if you plan to attend.
The Blog has details
The XVIII FIT World Congress welcomes submissions for the strand: "Translation of Literature" deadline 30 September 2007.
Pre Register to be updated about the Congress by emailing:
The Committee will also have a table in Hall 5 E955 10-14th October and would be delighted to meet you, if you plan to attend.
The Blog has details
The XVIII FIT World Congress welcomes submissions for the strand: "Translation of Literature" deadline 30 September 2007.
Pre Register to be updated about the Congress by emailing:
The MT Summit programme is now available!
31/07/07 20:36 Archived in: Press Releases
The MT Summits have been established as the meeting place for people and companies with a professional interest in machine translation and other tools for translation, be it researchers, developers, providers, users, or watchers who want to be abreast of the newest developments.
MT Summit XI contributes strongly to this tradition through its rich programme for the week 10-14 September in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The programme features 6 tutorials, 4 workshops, and 74 papers in the main conference, covering both practical and scientific aspects of machine translation and related fields. See the programme and register at the summit website
We are looking forward to seeing you in Copenhagen!
Yours sincerely
Bente Maegaard
EAMT President
MT Summit XI contributes strongly to this tradition through its rich programme for the week 10-14 September in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The programme features 6 tutorials, 4 workshops, and 74 papers in the main conference, covering both practical and scientific aspects of machine translation and related fields. See the programme and register at the summit website
We are looking forward to seeing you in Copenhagen!
Yours sincerely
Bente Maegaard
EAMT President
EAFT Seminar “Minority Languages and Terminology Policies” in Dublin July 27/28
07/07/07 20:31
Final Programme of the EAFT Seminar "Minority Languages and Terminology Policies", which will take
place in Dublin on 27 and 28 July.
Simultaneous interpretation will be held in three languages :
Irish, French and English.
The registration form and an accommodation list can be found on the EAFT website (
The Secretary ( will be very pleased to answer any further question.
We would be delighted to meet you in Dublin.
Yours sincerely,
The EAFT Board
Simultaneous interpretation will be held in three languages :
Irish, French and English.
The registration form and an accommodation list can be found on the EAFT website (
The Secretary ( will be very pleased to answer any further question.
We would be delighted to meet you in Dublin.
Yours sincerely,
The EAFT Board
]project-open[ V3.2 Released, L10n World Berlin, New Website, ...
17/05/07 00:08 Archived in: Online Seminars
1. ]project-open[ V3.2 Released
2. ]po[ rated #1 Translation Business Management
Application from 16 by Common Sense Advisory
3. ]po[ at the L10n World 2007 in Berlin
4. New Website - Please tell us how you use ]po[
5. Free Online Training
2. ]po[ rated #1 Translation Business Management
Application from 16 by Common Sense Advisory
3. ]po[ at the L10n World 2007 in Berlin
4. New Website - Please tell us how you use ]po[
5. Free Online Training
PASS Engineering notes marked revenue upswing and announces PASSOLO 2007
17/05/07 00:03 Archived in: Press Releases
Customers Value .NET Support
PASS Engineering notes marked revenue upswing and announces PASSOLO 2007
(Bonn, May 11th, 2007) Since 2004, PASS Engineering has increasingly concentrated on .NET support in its localization tool, PASSOLO, and this has proven to be crucial to growing success. Florian Sachse, CTO and Managing Director of the Bonn software company, has given numerous .NET workshops during the last two years at diverse locations including Barcelona, Limerick, Montréal, Wiesbaden, Bonn, and Dublin. He will once again present the ever-popular workshop at the Localization World Conference in Berlin this coming June. Read More...
PASS Engineering notes marked revenue upswing and announces PASSOLO 2007
(Bonn, May 11th, 2007) Since 2004, PASS Engineering has increasingly concentrated on .NET support in its localization tool, PASSOLO, and this has proven to be crucial to growing success. Florian Sachse, CTO and Managing Director of the Bonn software company, has given numerous .NET workshops during the last two years at diverse locations including Barcelona, Limerick, Montréal, Wiesbaden, Bonn, and Dublin. He will once again present the ever-popular workshop at the Localization World Conference in Berlin this coming June. Read More...
PASS at Localization World Berlin: Bronze sponsorship and more…
05/05/07 15:15 Archived in: Exhibitions
Dear localization professional
Anyone interested in PASSOLO will have plenty to see this June at Localization World in Berlin.
Registration is open: and the
program is online:
In addition to supporting the conference this summer as a Bronze sponsor, PASS Engineering will be presenting a number of events for everyone ranging from first-time localization tools shoppers to experienced users.
Opportunities to learn more about PASSOLO abound:
- Monday, June 18th - PASSOLO Day for experienced users
This special event is an information-sharing session for users who are already familiar with PASSOLO, but who wish to deepen their knowledge and skills in harnessing the full power. Topics of discussion will include: XML localization including multilingual and id-based XML files, text file parser, customizing PASSOLO with macros and .NET localization. Participants can contact PASS to propose more topics and they can provide sample files to be discussed in the workshop.
- Tuesday, June 19th (Pre-conference Day) – TILP Ask the Experts session
Florian Sachse will hold his much-acclaimed .NET Workshop. Participants will learn the limitations of .NET localization as well as a few tricks and workarounds to push the .NET envelope as far as it can go.
- Wednesday/Thursday, June 20th and 21st - Exhibition Hall
PASSOLO experts will be at your service in the exhibition hall to answer all your questions and to show you the Beta version of PASSOLO 2007. Don't miss this opportunity to see the power of PASSOLO in person and to get a glimpse of the not-to-distant future!
- Wednesday, June 20th – Vendor Track
Come see a formal presentation of PASSOLO as part of the vendor tool track.
If you do not intend to join the audience in conference presentations but you would like to come see us in the exhibition hall, we will provide you with a free pass for admission. This pass will admit you to visit us at our booth, and to roam to other neighboring booths to converse with other exhibitors. Come see the exhibition on us!
PASS Engineering respects your privacy, if you want to be removed from this email list, please send an email to Subject to Special Terms & Conditions available upon request from PASS Engineering GmbH. Copyright © 2006 PASS Engineering GmbH, Bonn, Germany. PASSOLO is a registered trademark of PASS Engineering GmbH.
PASS Process Automation Software Systems Engineering GmbH | Remigiusstr. 1 | 53111 Bonn | Germany | Tel.: +49 228 697242 | Fax: +49 228 697104 | Sitz der Gesellschaft Bonn HRB 5265 | Geschäftsführer: Achim Herrmann, Florian Sachse | |
Anyone interested in PASSOLO will have plenty to see this June at Localization World in Berlin.
Registration is open: and the
program is online:
In addition to supporting the conference this summer as a Bronze sponsor, PASS Engineering will be presenting a number of events for everyone ranging from first-time localization tools shoppers to experienced users.
Opportunities to learn more about PASSOLO abound:
- Monday, June 18th - PASSOLO Day for experienced users
This special event is an information-sharing session for users who are already familiar with PASSOLO, but who wish to deepen their knowledge and skills in harnessing the full power. Topics of discussion will include: XML localization including multilingual and id-based XML files, text file parser, customizing PASSOLO with macros and .NET localization. Participants can contact PASS to propose more topics and they can provide sample files to be discussed in the workshop.
- Tuesday, June 19th (Pre-conference Day) – TILP Ask the Experts session
Florian Sachse will hold his much-acclaimed .NET Workshop. Participants will learn the limitations of .NET localization as well as a few tricks and workarounds to push the .NET envelope as far as it can go.
- Wednesday/Thursday, June 20th and 21st - Exhibition Hall
PASSOLO experts will be at your service in the exhibition hall to answer all your questions and to show you the Beta version of PASSOLO 2007. Don't miss this opportunity to see the power of PASSOLO in person and to get a glimpse of the not-to-distant future!
- Wednesday, June 20th – Vendor Track
Come see a formal presentation of PASSOLO as part of the vendor tool track.
If you do not intend to join the audience in conference presentations but you would like to come see us in the exhibition hall, we will provide you with a free pass for admission. This pass will admit you to visit us at our booth, and to roam to other neighboring booths to converse with other exhibitors. Come see the exhibition on us!
PASS Engineering respects your privacy, if you want to be removed from this email list, please send an email to Subject to Special Terms & Conditions available upon request from PASS Engineering GmbH. Copyright © 2006 PASS Engineering GmbH, Bonn, Germany. PASSOLO is a registered trademark of PASS Engineering GmbH.
PASS Process Automation Software Systems Engineering GmbH | Remigiusstr. 1 | 53111 Bonn | Germany | Tel.: +49 228 697242 | Fax: +49 228 697104 | Sitz der Gesellschaft Bonn HRB 5265 | Geschäftsführer: Achim Herrmann, Florian Sachse | |
Subsidies for translation from Sp-Eng deadline 30th April
28/04/07 15:56 Archived in: General Information
Official Announcement Information
Turin Book Fair Literary Translation event
15/04/07 14:56 Archived in: General Information
E: "Ilide Carmignani" (ilide[at]
La Fiera del Libro di Torino e l'AutoreInvisibile presentano
Venerdì 11 maggio 2007 . ore 13.30 . Sala Blu
Alessandra Bazardi (Harlequin-Mondadori), Ena Marchi (Adelphi),
Beatrice Masini (Fabbri), Cristina Prasso (Nord)
Coordina: Ilide Carmignani
Romanzi gialli, rosa, noir, fantasy, fantascienza, libri per
ragazzi... la traduzione può vederne di tutti i colori, ma ogni
genere ha le sue esigenze.
Quattro editor ci rivelano come si modula l'approccio al testo.
Venerdì 11 maggio 2007 . ore 21.00 . Sala Blu
Proiezione del documentario
traducir, to translate, traducir, traduire, übersetzen
Pier Paolo Giarolo - 52' - Italia
Che cosa accade quando un libro passa da una lingua all'altra?
Attraverso le suggestive immagini di Giarolo, alcuni traduttori
raccontano la loro lotta per cambiare abito alle parole.
Sabato 12 maggio 2007 . ore 15.00 . 5° Padiglione . Sala Madrid
Conversazione di Susanna Basso
La traduzione è un'arte, scrive Édouard Glissant, ma certo è un'arte
fatta mestiere se due romanzi su tre, in libreria, sono tradotti.
Guidati da un'illustre traduttrice, scopriamo insieme questo affascinante lavoro.
Sabato 12 maggio 2007 . ore 17.00 . Sala Londra
Mariarosa Bricchi, Donata Feroldi, Barbara Lanati, Antonio Prete
Coordina: Ilide Carmignani
Se ogni traduzione è un'interpretazione, lo strumento è la lingua
individuale del traduttore. Ma come nasce e si forma questa lingua?
Quali sono le sue prerogative? A che regole si piega traducendo?
Domenica 13 maggio 2007 . ore 12.00 . Sala incontri Spazio
Isabella Camera d'Afflitto, Fulvio Ferrari, Alessandra Lavagnino,
Bruno Mazzoni
Coordina: Ilide Carmignani E: "Ilide Carmignani"
Quattro grandi traduttori ci raccontano gioie e dolori di chi vuol
mediare testi di letterature lontane dalla nostra cultura, come l'arabo o il
cinese, o semplicemente dal nostro sguardo, come il rumeno e l'islandese.
E: "Ilide Carmignani" (ilide[at]
La Fiera del Libro di Torino e l'AutoreInvisibile presentano
Venerdì 11 maggio 2007 . ore 13.30 . Sala Blu
Alessandra Bazardi (Harlequin-Mondadori), Ena Marchi (Adelphi),
Beatrice Masini (Fabbri), Cristina Prasso (Nord)
Coordina: Ilide Carmignani
Romanzi gialli, rosa, noir, fantasy, fantascienza, libri per
ragazzi... la traduzione può vederne di tutti i colori, ma ogni
genere ha le sue esigenze.
Quattro editor ci rivelano come si modula l'approccio al testo.
Venerdì 11 maggio 2007 . ore 21.00 . Sala Blu
Proiezione del documentario
traducir, to translate, traducir, traduire, übersetzen
Pier Paolo Giarolo - 52' - Italia
Che cosa accade quando un libro passa da una lingua all'altra?
Attraverso le suggestive immagini di Giarolo, alcuni traduttori
raccontano la loro lotta per cambiare abito alle parole.
Sabato 12 maggio 2007 . ore 15.00 . 5° Padiglione . Sala Madrid
Conversazione di Susanna Basso
La traduzione è un'arte, scrive Édouard Glissant, ma certo è un'arte
fatta mestiere se due romanzi su tre, in libreria, sono tradotti.
Guidati da un'illustre traduttrice, scopriamo insieme questo affascinante lavoro.
Sabato 12 maggio 2007 . ore 17.00 . Sala Londra
Mariarosa Bricchi, Donata Feroldi, Barbara Lanati, Antonio Prete
Coordina: Ilide Carmignani
Se ogni traduzione è un'interpretazione, lo strumento è la lingua
individuale del traduttore. Ma come nasce e si forma questa lingua?
Quali sono le sue prerogative? A che regole si piega traducendo?
Domenica 13 maggio 2007 . ore 12.00 . Sala incontri Spazio
Isabella Camera d'Afflitto, Fulvio Ferrari, Alessandra Lavagnino,
Bruno Mazzoni
Coordina: Ilide Carmignani E: "Ilide Carmignani"
Quattro grandi traduttori ci raccontano gioie e dolori di chi vuol
mediare testi di letterature lontane dalla nostra cultura, come l'arabo o il
cinese, o semplicemente dal nostro sguardo, come il rumeno e l'islandese.
PASSOLO Day in Berlin
14/04/07 11:31 Archived in: Press Releases
Dear Customers,
We would like to invite you to take part in our 4th PASSOLO workshop for experienced PASSOLO users to be held on the day prior to the Localization World Conference in Berlin.
Since there will only be room for max. 15 participants in the workshop, you should inform us as soon as possible about your interest - please contact me directly by e-mail. A registration form will be sent later. Read More...
We would like to invite you to take part in our 4th PASSOLO workshop for experienced PASSOLO users to be held on the day prior to the Localization World Conference in Berlin.
Since there will only be room for max. 15 participants in the workshop, you should inform us as soon as possible about your interest - please contact me directly by e-mail. A registration form will be sent later. Read More...
IATE proxy failure
14/04/07 11:27 Archived in: General Information
Dear IATE users,
Unfortunately the IATE site has encountered a few problems in the last couple of days. These problems appeared after an update of the IATE servers during Easter weekend.
The typical error message users receive after launching a query looks like this:
"The proxy was unable to fulfill your request because the computer does not appear to be functioning properly. While attempting to communicate with the server, the proxy encountered the following error: HTTP7766: error reading response header (Connection reset by peer) .........." Read More...
Unfortunately the IATE site has encountered a few problems in the last couple of days. These problems appeared after an update of the IATE servers during Easter weekend.
The typical error message users receive after launching a query looks like this:
"The proxy was unable to fulfill your request because the computer does not appear to be functioning properly. While attempting to communicate with the server, the proxy encountered the following error: HTTP7766: error reading response header (Connection reset by peer) .........." Read More...
PASS Engineering supports qualification projects in France and the USA
02/04/07 14:01 Archived in: Press Releases
Learning Localization with PASSOLO
PASS Engineering supports qualification projects in France and the USA Read More...
PASS Engineering supports qualification projects in France and the USA Read More...
SDL Trados Online Seminar on New European Standard for Translations
29/03/07 19:09 Archived in: Online Seminars
The new European standard for translation services
Date: 3rd April 2007, Tuesday
16.00 CET (Paris/Berlin/Rome/Madrid)
15:00 GMT (London)
10:00 EST (New York, Montreal)
07:00 PST (Los Angeles, Vancouver)
Location: Online
Duration: 60 minutes
Date: 3rd April 2007, Tuesday
16.00 CET (Paris/Berlin/Rome/Madrid)
15:00 GMT (London)
10:00 EST (New York, Montreal)
07:00 PST (Los Angeles, Vancouver)
Location: Online
Duration: 60 minutes
New PASSOLO instructors
01/03/07 11:22 Archived in: Press Releases
Eight trainers completed the CPT qualification program this year at the headquarter of PASS Engineering in Bonn.
Among the highlights of this year’s program were the new features of PASSOLO version 6.0 and a look at issues involved in the localization of special formats such as .NET, XML and databases. Read More...
Among the highlights of this year’s program were the new features of PASSOLO version 6.0 and a look at issues involved in the localization of special formats such as .NET, XML and databases. Read More...
Transit/TermStar Version XV Service Pack 19
01/03/07 11:19 Archived in: Press Releases
STAR Support information about the products: Transit XV and TermStar XV
We would like to announce that Service Pack 19 is now available for download on our ftp-server and on our Website.
Detailed information on new features and improvements implemented with this Service Pack can be found in the readmetr.txt and readmets.txt
Apart from bug fixes Service Pack 19 contains the following new features (for more details please refer to the Transit readme):
We would like to announce that Service Pack 19 is now available for download on our ftp-server and on our Website.
Detailed information on new features and improvements implemented with this Service Pack can be found in the readmetr.txt and readmets.txt
Apart from bug fixes Service Pack 19 contains the following new features (for more details please refer to the Transit readme):