New Version of the Terminotix plug-in for SDL Trados Studio
28/10/14 11:27 Archived in: General Information
Terminotix is launching the version 1.6 of the Terminotix plugin for SDL Trados Studio. This version offers new features along with these new resources: WordRef, Google, Google Translate, Google Images, Wikipedia, Reverso Dictionary, Reverso Translate, MyMemory, e-Laws, ITU Machine Translation and TAUS. Read More...
FREE Terminotix Toolbar: additional resources now available!
06/02/12 09:32 Archived in: General Information
In the December 2011 newsletter, Terminotix announced the addition of LogiTerm Web, WeBiText and Linguee to the free toolbar (that already included Termium and TransSearch), which allows users to launch queries directly from MS Word. We have further expanded the range of resources accessible through the toolbar to make your contextual and terminology search even easier.
Here are the new resources:
• Le Grand dictionnaire terminologique (Office québécois de la langue française)
• ONTERM (Ontario Ministry of Government Services)
• UNTERM (United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database)
• IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe)
• WTOTERM (World Trade Organization Terminology Database)
• FAOTERM (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Terminology)
• TERMINAV© (NAV Canada Terminology)
• Collins
With this new version, you now have access to 13 databases available at the click of a mouse, directly from MS Word! Please note that this toolbar only works in MS Word 2007 and 2010.
To get your free MS Word toolbar, contact us at sales@terminotix.com and provide your contact information as well as your language preference. Indicate “Toolbar” in the “Subject” line of your email.
Here are the new resources:
• Le Grand dictionnaire terminologique (Office québécois de la langue française)
• ONTERM (Ontario Ministry of Government Services)
• UNTERM (United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database)
• IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe)
• WTOTERM (World Trade Organization Terminology Database)
• FAOTERM (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Terminology)
• TERMINAV© (NAV Canada Terminology)
• Collins
With this new version, you now have access to 13 databases available at the click of a mouse, directly from MS Word! Please note that this toolbar only works in MS Word 2007 and 2010.
To get your free MS Word toolbar, contact us at sales@terminotix.com and provide your contact information as well as your language preference. Indicate “Toolbar” in the “Subject” line of your email.