28/10/14 11:27 Archived in:
General InformationTerminotix is launching the version 1.6 of the Terminotix plugin for SDL Trados Studio. This version offers new features along with these new resources: WordRef, Google, Google Translate, Google Images, Wikipedia, Reverso Dictionary, Reverso Translate, MyMemory, e-Laws, ITU Machine Translation and TAUS.
Read More...Tags: Terminotix, MyMemory, ConjugArt, Synonym Dictionary and Online Etymology Dictionary, Clefs du français pratiques, Dictionnaires des cooccurrences, Glosbe, MLP, LEO, Dict.cc, Kamusi, Termite, CAEN, OED, Microsoft Language Portal, Collins, Terminav, Larousse, Linguee, IATE, WTO, UnTerm, OnTerm, FAOTERM, WeBiText, Portage, Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique, Termium, LogiTerm, TransSearch, SDL Trados Studio, ITU Machine Translation, TAUS, e-Laws, WordRef, Google, Google Translate, Reverso Translate, Reverso Dictionary, Wikipedia, Google Images