Literary Translation Lab (De-En)
04/03/12 12:36 Archived in: General Information
Dear friends and translation colleagues,
The next session of the Literary Translation Lab (DE–EN) will be on Wed. 7 March at 5pm. At the Goethe-Institut, 37 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.
Put on your literary lab coat and come along! This second session of the Lab, hosted in the Goethe- Institut, will start at 5pm, followed at 6pm by a literary launch:
'Poor Green Erin' is an anthology of translated narratives by German writers who visited Ireland before during and after the Famine:
The Literary Translation Lab is a monthly hands-on, workshop-type forum where literary translators working from German to English can bring along a problem passage or phrase for discussion, bounce ideas off other translators, seek feedback or constructive criticism, or just sit in on the discussion.
Six people donned their lab coats for the first Translation Lab on Wednesday, 1 February 2012.
For further information contact Rachel McNicholl, tel.: 01-6680043, email:
The Translation Lab concept for first Wednesday of the month: No homework and no advance planning required! If you want the group to discuss a literary text which you are translating from German to English (either for publication or for fun), bring along an excerpt of no more than 1–2 pages so that it can be read on the spot. And bring a few spare copies of original and translation to share among participants. We aim to balance in-depth discussion of passages and ‘quickie’ questions on single words, expressions, etc. There is room for exchanging tips about various aspects of translation work, but the primary focus is on nitty-gritty translation itself. If no texts are in the offing, the organisers will provide a problem text of their own and/or other material to get the discussion going. Those who don’t have a text to discuss are more than welcome to come and brainstorm, critique or simply listen.
The Translation Lab is inspired by a Berlin model, see
Looking forward to 7 March,
Rachel McNicholl
13 Marlborough Road Dublin 4
Tel. +353-1-6680043
The next session of the Literary Translation Lab (DE–EN) will be on Wed. 7 March at 5pm. At the Goethe-Institut, 37 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.
Put on your literary lab coat and come along! This second session of the Lab, hosted in the Goethe- Institut, will start at 5pm, followed at 6pm by a literary launch:
'Poor Green Erin' is an anthology of translated narratives by German writers who visited Ireland before during and after the Famine:
The Literary Translation Lab is a monthly hands-on, workshop-type forum where literary translators working from German to English can bring along a problem passage or phrase for discussion, bounce ideas off other translators, seek feedback or constructive criticism, or just sit in on the discussion.
Six people donned their lab coats for the first Translation Lab on Wednesday, 1 February 2012.
For further information contact Rachel McNicholl, tel.: 01-6680043, email:
The Translation Lab concept for first Wednesday of the month: No homework and no advance planning required! If you want the group to discuss a literary text which you are translating from German to English (either for publication or for fun), bring along an excerpt of no more than 1–2 pages so that it can be read on the spot. And bring a few spare copies of original and translation to share among participants. We aim to balance in-depth discussion of passages and ‘quickie’ questions on single words, expressions, etc. There is room for exchanging tips about various aspects of translation work, but the primary focus is on nitty-gritty translation itself. If no texts are in the offing, the organisers will provide a problem text of their own and/or other material to get the discussion going. Those who don’t have a text to discuss are more than welcome to come and brainstorm, critique or simply listen.
The Translation Lab is inspired by a Berlin model, see
Looking forward to 7 March,
Rachel McNicholl
13 Marlborough Road Dublin 4
Tel. +353-1-6680043